Wednesday, October 7, 2009

No More Facebook Games, Please!

Hey, readers.

I've begun to notice a disturbing trend on my Facebook page lately. My friends, who are relatively new to the concept of social media, have fallen into the idea that they must post daily or at least every other day.

And since most of us lead humdrum lives and have no exciting things to post, they play the apps.

Now I'm not above sending a flair or two. I've even helped save the rainforest ( by sending e-plants?) and worked on the virtual farm.

But lets give it a rest now, ok?

I want to know what's going on with you and your family, not how much virtual farm you have or how many fish are in your virtual fish tank.

I guess some of my friends really enjoy the games idea. It is an easy way to stay on Facebook and keep your name out there.

But I remember your name.
You ARE my friend.
I don't usually forget you.
I friended you because I really like you and want to know what's going on in your life ( not everything,mind you,toilet trips are TMI).

So, ease up on the apps.

I'll still remember ya.

Image courtesy;

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Where is America's Memory?

Hey, guys.

When did the American population lose it's memory?

It must be a massive case of Alzheimer's.

No one seems to remember that our present situation was caused by the acts of the previous administration and the Republican congress. It wasn't Obama who stuck us in a intractable combat situation in the Middle East. It wasn't the newly elected Democratic majority Congress that allowed businesses to run rampant and uncontrolled and create the present fiscal crisis.

And yet, the present administration seem to be the whipping boy for all these ills. I'm confused.

Oh, yes, NOW I remember.

It's the fear mongers in the media and in the right wing groups who are screaming this idea. Blame Obama, blame the Democrats, blame the Mexicans, blame anybody you don't like or agree with. Don't debate, scream. Don't discuss, argue. Don't listen, threaten.

Everyday I read new statements from supposedly rational members of Congress and the media warning of impending doom.

Apparently, we're going to hell in a hand-basket!

Come on, people, THINK! Use your brain for something other than keeping your ears from hitting each other!

Get back to rational discourse and discussion about what ails this great nation of ours. We have some serious issues to deal with and screaming at people and creating fear and hate won't solve them.

Oh, yea. I forgot.

We don't remember HOW to talk to each other.

Damn Alzheimer's!

Image courtesy:

Monday, September 28, 2009

Come On America, Grow a Set!

Hey, my friends.

When did America become the land of the scared? It seems to be the trend among our citizens lately. People are running out to buy guns and ammo, stocking up on survival gear, and in general, acting as though the world is about to collapse.


Everyone is afraid. The elderly are afraid that they won't be taken care of, the young are afraid that they will be broke forever, and the middle age group is afraid of everything.

Come on, people!



We've been kickin' ass and takin' names for over 200 years.

Listen, I know times are tough. I've been without full time work for about a year.
But it's not over! Suck it up and deal with it!

Adapt and overcome.
Adjust, regroup, saddle up, and move forward.

Think for yourself, don't listen to the media and the politicians. They don't have any solutions to the real ills of our country (or they are too concerned about their own jobs to offer the ones that we need), so they prey upon your fear. It's much easier to scare people than to fix what ails us.

Don't be sheep.
Americans have always been the problem solvers, the innovators, the leaders. We've been the one others look to for guidance and direction. As America goes, so goes the world.

Remember that.

Don't give in to the fear!

Grow a set!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Seniors Shot in Strip Club.

Hey there.

Got your attention, didn't I?

According to, a strip club in Castleberry, FL is offering seniors free flu shots and a buffet.

Rachael's Gentleman's Club offers seniors and others free flu shots. The offer includes a free buffet for the seniors, veterans, residents, and city employees who get their shots at the club. Rachael's has been offering this service for 6 years and the people of Castleberry seem to love it. Club management says it wants to give back to it's community, especially with the rising cost of health care.

Shots are administered by a registered nurse in the clubs VIP room.

Maybe we should add this option to the President's health plan.

Anyone up for a shot?

Image courtesy:

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Do You Write Right?

Hey, folks.

How's tricks?

An Associated Press article posted on 19 September, says that cursive writing is becoming a lost art and poses the question...... does it matter?

I'm not a very good cursive writer. I've spent so much time printing documents and filling in forms with print, that pretty much any skill I had in script is gone.

I try on occasion to rebuild my skills. I'll see some beautiful script in a letter or article and it will make me crave the ability to write like the author. So, I'll dig up some paper and make a feeble attempt to recreate what I've seen only to have my hopes dashed when I see how crappy I do.

I know...... practice, practice. The skills will come back and improve.

But I don't.

And it's a shame.

Because I'm a designer.

I use typography every day. I relish finding the right type style to fit my design. I love it when a type helps express the idea of my work. I think that's a common theme among my brethren, one of the things that separates us from the masses. We look at ALL the parts of a design in order to get our idea across, not just the pretty pictures.

So I propose a challenge to my fellow designers. Let's not let cursive script die. I know, we don't need it now that everything is done electronically. The computer offers us a world of type options.

But cursive writing is an art.

And those of us who live by the art of design, need to insure that this art survives.

Image courtesy:

Friday, September 18, 2009

OK, I'm Ready!

Hey, readers.

Look, I've been an extraordinarily patient person with this job stuff. I've been very dutiful in pursuing all leads, checking options, and trying to offer myself and my talents to anyone at a reasonable cost.

I've got a fairly good skill set. I am adaptable to any and all situations and am capable of working with pretty much anybody.

I don't need an exorbitant salary (though I will take one if offered). And I make killer brownies and cupcakes!

So what's the deal?

Is the market so saturated with "supremely qualified people" that there are no openings for a person trying to get into the field? Or are employers just to lazy or afraid to take a chance on an unknown entity?

I've been in this search for a while. I've interviewed with a few companies and I've pursued options outside my field. No success.

So to you,dear readers, I ask...what to do?

If you know of anyone who could help or if you have an idea to make my search progress, please let me know. Send me your ideas in the comments section of this blog.

I'm a good guy who can do a great job given a chance.

Try me.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

And It Won't Die!

Hey, guys.


According to Variety Magazine, Sylvester Stallone is coming back for a FIFTH RAMBO MOVIE!

I am truly amazed.

The story line revolves around Rambo fighting drug cartels and human traffickers to save a little girl in Mexico. I guess he's getting a little long in the tooth for too much travel so they're keeping him close to home. (No more trips to Asia or the Middle East. Can't deal with that jet lag issue anymore...pacemaker can't keep up.)

You know that trip across the border will be tough on his power chair.

And I don't think the Scooter Store warranty covers the addition of anti-tank weapons.

Production starts in the spring.
Photo courtesy:

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'm Not Dead Yet!

Hey, readers.

Yes, I'm still here.
Just not so prolific in my writings.

Been trying to get life back on track now that Becks leg is healing and THE MOM is kind of settling in Lake Taylor.

Life sure does make it hard to live.

This is a reminder to you, the readers, as well as to myself to take the time now to regroup and move on. It's time to get back in the game.
( God, don't ya just hate sports cliches!)

So beware world...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Goodbye, Dear Friend

Amalfi's restaurant has closed!

I am heartbroken.

For those of you who frequented Amalfi's, you know what a great place it was. Outstanding food, great atmosphere, and truly, a place where you could be comfortable.

The owners, Angelo and Marcia, were not just the owners but real and true friends. They welcomed you into their restaurant as though you were at their home and they treated you like family. Angelo passed away a while back but Marcia kept things going for as long as she could. These people were very dear to my family and their presence will be missed.

And Jason...what can I say about Jason? He was the best waiter I have ever seen. He went WAY beyond just a waiter, he was another part of our family. Never sad, always a joy to see and talk to, he was a great part of what made Amalfi's my favorite place to go. I don't know where he has gone, but I will look for him. I can't imagine not seeing him again.

For those of you who missed the opportunity to visit this special place, my heart weeps. You missed one of life's great experiences. Not just for the food, (OMG-the FOOD!), but for the warmth and feeling given to all who stopped in and joined the family.

I will always and warmly remember Amalfi's.

I'll just always be a little sad when I do.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Hi ya, readers!

What's up?

I was reading an article the other day and the writer was talking about how much he enjoyed the ritual of scotch drinking. Choosing the proper glass, just enough ice or water to bring out the flavor, choosing the appropriate scotch for the moment, and the slow, warming taste of a well crafted drink.
Made my mouth water.

And I thought.. how many rituals do we, as a modern people, incorporate into our lives?

I too, drink scotch and do enjoy the relaxing aspect of the proper drink. I also smoke the occasional cigar, which requires a great deal of preparation and equipment. (Cutters, lighters, ashtrays, etc.)

I find a comfort in these things.
They take time.
They require the participant to become actively involved in the moment.
And once you are involved, they force you to relax and savor life.

Women have their rituals as well.
The long, soaking bath. The manicure/pedicure/salon experience. The extended lunch for conversation and reflection. Some have even taken our scotch/cigar ritual for their own.

I think this shows a need for people to have fun points in their life. A reliable, comfortable act that is the same each time and provides a positive result for the person.
Something we can do that gives us happy feedback.

Tell me your rituals. How do you escape the sometimes monotonous lives we lead? Do you have any rituals or do you feel they are overrated?

Let's talk.

Image courtesy:

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Who Do Ya Love?

Hey, folks.

Quick family update for those who follow...everybody's doing great. The Mom is settling into Lake Taylor and beginning to have fun (who da thunk!), and Beck's is doing above average in P.T. (always the overachiever).

So onward!

Walter Cronkite passed away on Friday, 17 July. He was the journalist for myself and the generation before me. I remember him reporting the moon landing, Watergate, and even a little of the Kennedy assassination. He was a voice of reason during Vietnam and was considered the most trusted newsman in America, not only by his peers but by his audience.

I think he was important to me because he was part of a small circle of celebrities that I could actually see during my youth. I didn't have E Entertainment News to watch or People magazine to read. My exposure to the world of stars was limited to 3 major networks and movies at the theater. So when someone from my small group of idols passes, I feel it.

And it made me kids today have similar groups?
I mean, they grow up in such a different world.
Cable TV, movies on demand, a constant bombardment of celebrities who rush to show every little aspect of their lives. Are they impacted when a member of their circle dies? Or is their attention span so short and new celebrities so readily available, that they just move on the next?

Help me out here, readers.

How do you feel? Do you miss someone in your world of entertainment, someone who reached you in a special way? (Don't use Michael Jackson, he is a special case.)

Let me know if I'm alone here.

Friday, July 17, 2009


OMG...It lives!

Been away for a while, so now I've got to re-learn how this blog thingy works.

Hope everyone is OK.
As in my last post, the household has been keeping me busy. Beck's is doing great. She finished at- home P.T. and is now at the Norfolk Wellness and Fitness Center/InMotion Physical Therapy. They have her on a bike to increase her range of motion and doing mat exercises to increase her strength. She has a serious love/hate thing going on with the folks there. She knows that this has to be done but she sure ain't enjoying it! But I think she is looking forward to the pool therapy.

I am SO proud of her. She's done a fantastic job of working the knee and doing her exercises and you can see the results in her walk and the way she moves. She has been a trooper.

The MOM is still at Lake Taylor. They moved her to the rehab side due to a roommate issue and she is doing better. Not a happy camper but this is the best for her.
I don't think she will be going back to her apartment. Her upper body strength is poor and we haven't found out yet if her new repaired leg will support her weight. She has a dr's appointment on 30 July and, hopefully we will find out more then. But we've been trying to set the stage for the future so that her life can move on.

I have friends in the same boat so I guess it's a common issue at this age. (Well, THAT made me feel old!) As they say once the child, now the parent. Life goes full circle.

I want to say thanks to all the friends and family who have come out and helped us with this, both in moral support and other ways. Your visits and calls have helped more than I could ever tell you.

A special thanks to Bill Newell for the Corona Light. Dude, that was JUST what the Dr. ordered!

So that's the latest. I'll work on consistency and try to be better at posting.
It is cathartic and I can definitely use the therapy. (As my friends will tell you.)

Thanks to all for listening!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hello, again!

Hi, folks!

Been awhile, ain't it?

Life has been just one fun thing after another.
I'm STILL looking for a job and the market, that I foolishly thought was opening up, has dried up like a grape in the sun.

Or maybe like a prune in the sun.
Either way, the market SUCKS!

My wife had total knee replacement surgery on the 8th of June. She is doing amazing. Walking 5-6 blocks and doing her exercises to stretch her muscles and prevent scar tissue. They don't give you a lot of hospital time now for this type of surgery. Motion and utilization of the joint have proven to be most effective for a good result.
She's been working hard at this and is making great progress. She has an almost normal gait and smooth leg motion. I am very, very proud of her.

So maybe the lack of a job is a benefit. I've been able to stay home and help. Though I'm not sure if I'm a help or a hindrance.

So, she's making great progress, and we're deluded into thinking that maybe things are moving along, and then POW, here we go.

My Mother-in-law (hereafter referred to as THE MOM) falls and shatters her left femur in three places! THE MOM is widowed and Becky is her primary care giver. THE MOM is 87 and, though very capable of self maintenance, does require a fairly large amount of supervision. So, she's now at DePaul hospital waiting to be stabilized so they can perform surgery on her leg.

So, I've got TWO down.

Damn if they aren't dropping like flies!

So, forgive my erratic postings.

Life just keeps getting in the way.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Twit or Twitterer?

Hey guys!

How's tricks?

As one who is searching the job market, I am trying to utilize all available tools to get my abilities out to potential employers. So, I Facebook, I blog (see here), and I Twitter.

I never realized how dangerous this technology can be.

According to (also posted on, a British man jogging to work ran into a tree while Twittering.

In an apparent poor attempt to multitask, James Coleman of Bristol, England, was posting his latest exploits on the way to work, and, damn, if he wasn't attacked by a low branch!
Gave the man quite a whack resulting in a black eye.

Didn't stop his posts, though.

Such dedication.
Makes me wanna work harder.

(see his posts@jamesacoleman)

photo courtesy:
daily telegraph

Friday, May 29, 2009

Swan Lake?

Hey, readers.

Happy Friday!

Just something to make ya laugh.

According to, a German man used a live swan to attack and beat up a tourist.

The attacker, who was apparently drunk at the time, took offense at the other man's East German accent. He and a friend grabbed the swan by the neck and began to beat the tourist. The victim escaped with minor injuries.

The swan flew away and appeared to be unhurt.

Other than wondering WTF was that!

Photo courtesy:

Sunday, May 24, 2009

In Memorium

For our Service Men and Women.

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Lt.-Col. John McCrae (1872 - 1918)

Photo Courtesy:

Friday, May 22, 2009

Well, Blow Me Down!

Hey, folks.

Happy Friday!

Awhile back I wrote about how we, the people and the government, need to adopt or adapt new clean power generation ideas into our lives. I suggested that government buildings and lands could use available technology to help reduce our need on foreign oil for the production of electrical power. Wind farms, solar farms, etc.

An article in Metropolis Magazine shows a concept that follows this idea. A French design team has come up with prototype wind turbines that fit into existing electrical power towers. These turbines could produce sufficient energy to power between 1 and 20 homes, depending on wind speed.

This is the innovative thinking I was talking about. Utilizing existing sources (the towers) and adapting them to produce electricity. Minimal impact on the environment but with significant return to the populous.

Great idea!

Now, lets put it to work.

Photo Courtesy:
Metropolis Magazine

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

See Ma, I'm Lernin' !

Hey, folks.

As most of you know, I am a "freelance" graphic designer.
Meaning I am unemployed and looking for work.

So, I have a lot of time on my hands.

I try to utilize it in the most productive way by studying online and taking courses. And that's a good thing, considering how rapidly tech changes and new innovations are brought to the market.

So, I thought I would share some of my sources with my readers.

Of course there are the social networks, LinkedIn, Facebook,Twitter, etc. These sites may not at first seem like training tools. But conversations between your friends and posts by people can introduce you to new ideas and new sites to examine. Great way to keep up with what's hot in the world.

I'm a big fan of Digg and StumbleUpon for news and miscellaneous information. These are great resources for the stories that I pass on here on my blog. They stay tight and provide the reader with lots of sources for photos, news, and oddities of interest.

But right now the best pure training tool I'm using is O'Reilly Media ( A publishing company, O'Reilly makes FREE web seminars ( available to it's readers. These are usually a one hour web broadcast on a particular subject. I've taken classes on geo-locating for your website, public speaking and how to engage your audience, and utilization of social media sites to optimize your companies exposure.
As you take these courses, O'Reilly Media begins to see your interests and then e-mails you when similar subjects come up for study. That way you get the latest and greatest ideas.

Of course, you can go to the website and find other subjects being taught that are outside your normal track. They also sell books and publications on these subjects and sometimes offer discounts if you took the related webinar.

And did I mention that these courses are FREE?

I love the price!

Image Courtesy:

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Uniform Does NOT Make the Man!


God Bless the American Soldier.

When called upon to do his duty, he will comply no matter the time, place, or clothing.

Spc. Zack Boyd, 19, was asleep when his base fell under attack. Slipping on body armor and his helmet, he manned his position to assist in repelling the attackers, even while wearing I Love NY boxers and a red t-shirt!

A soldier doing his duty.

Photo courtesy:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Still Waiting.

Hey, guys.

What's up?

Still pounding the pavement, looking for work. I've had a couple of interviews in the past weeks so it looks like things might be turning around. Very good companies with a lot of potential.

But it's extraordinarily frustrating that these companies don't respond with your status in regard to employment. I understand that you( the company) have had a large amount of applicants. But I know that you didn't interview all of them. How hard is it to tell someone they didn't get the job?

It seems that courtesy has gone by the wayside in business today. I know that staff and personnel are doing more with less now. And I know that it would be impossible to respond to all the applicants ,though some companies do have an automated notice to tell you yes or no.

But if you call someone in for an interview, if you ask them to take the time to drive to your office, sit for questions and review, it seems to me that you should at least tell that person, sorry you don't fit what we were looking for.

I don't need a personal note. You don't have to call me and tell me the news. Just fire off a quick e-mail. Hell, it can be a form letter.

I don't care.

Just remember how you felt in your job search and show that person you interviewed the courtesy you would have appreciated back then.

It's just good manners and common courtesy.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Drive On!

Hey, readers.

How's tricks?

This is just a short blog.

More of a public service announcement, actually.

According to, hard drives purchased at computer fairs and online contained sensitive data such as bank records, personal medical information, and in one case, launch protocols for anti-ballistic missiles.

Your data lives on.

Standard cleaning methods or even some programs which overwrite data do NOT make the data unrecoverable. There are numerous mining and recovery programs available for use by all sorts of nefarious individuals.

I know we would all like to recover some of the cost of drive replacement.

Just remember, like Jacob Marley in A Christmas Carol, the ghosts of your past can return and make you pay.

Image courtesy:

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hi Kids, See What Daddy Can Do!

Hey, folks.

Happy Monday!

Well, it's gotta be the heat. At least I HOPE that's the reason. It's the only excuse why these silly stories keep coming out of Florida.

According to FoxNews Radio 970WFLA, a Florida corrections officer tazed two kids at the "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day" tour. According to the officer, the parents and kids had given him permission to use the hand-held shock device.


I'm not sure who is the nut in this story.

Officer or parent.

Looks like a tie to me.

Photo courtesy:

Friday, May 1, 2009

Flu Who?


Ok, people. Let's get a grip.

Yes, there is a flu bug going around.
Yes, it's a new strain and it's been deadly.
And, yes, the media has gone totally ape-shit because not much else is going on.

But let's check ourselves and take a look at what's happening.

1. There are over 100 cases in the United States.
Flu bugs spread easily through contact or airborne transmission. People get the flu every year and some die, usually those with compromised immune systems or the elderly or the young. There has been 1 death in the U.S. so far and most cases of this flu have been mild and patients have recovered quickly.

2. This flu has been very deadly in Mexico.
So far over 100 people in Mexico have died from this bug. But Mexico has, in general, poorer nutrition levels and poorer access to health care. In such an environment, rampant flu transmission and drastic repercussions would be expected.

These are the facts.

We have dealt with the flu before. Pretty much every year.
We have numerous cases, they run their course, and we rebound, recover, and respond with a new flu vaccine for the following season.

Wash your hands, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, and stay home if you get sick.
Common sense rules.

We have been here before.

This too shall pass.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Guilty Pleasures

Hi, readers.

I am awash in guilt.
I feel SO bad.

Yesterday, I write of my joy in the beginning of my garden. I profess my love of things healthy and nourishing. I lead you down the path believing I care about my health.

And then...

I sin.

It's not my fault!
I'm weak.
I have no backbone in the face of temptation.

I fall at the sight of.....

Reese Cups!

Chocolate! Peanut Butter! UMMMMMMMM!

I can't help it. I think it's a genetic anomaly. My whole family suffers from it.

We put our Reese's in the refrigerator, chilling them so the chocolate coating pops when you bite them. The peanut butter cool as it slide over your tongue.


I know. I'm horrible. I should set a better example for my family and my readers. I'll pay for my transgressions.

But payment will have to wait.

There's one left!

Monday, April 27, 2009

It's Alive

Afternoon, folks.

They're growing!

My plants.

In the garden.


I'm so proud. :-)

Now, if they only produce.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Anybody Seen My Flash Drive? OOPS, Found It.

Hi, guys.
What's up?

Now we've all lost something important. Keys, wallet, purse, etc. But this one's got ya beat.

According to, a MI6 British agent, working in Colombia, left her purse on a bus. No biggie, except for the thumb drive inside which contained top-secret information about covert operations in Colombia. The drive contained agents names and intelligence gathered over five years of sneak and peep work.


Agents were reassigned and operations were shut down so damage was minimized.

But, DAMN!

But the funny part, at least to me, was that the mistake was covered up by the Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA).

Wonder if they have a Frivolous Organized Crime Agency?

Image courtesy:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Where's WORK!

Mornin' readers.

Hope everyone survived Monday.

Well, my assumption (or hope) that the job market was loosening is appearing to be unfounded.
I had a couple of interviews last week with really cool companies in two different fields. I thought both interviews went well. I presented my talents, showed my portfolio, and engaged in conversation with my interviewers on a wide range of subjects. I left, confident of positive responses.

Unfortunately, one has decide to take another path and hired someone else. I haven't heard from the other.

I'm trying to maintain a positive attitude but this job search is like being an actor who is constantly rejected for the part he knows he is perfect for. I AM a talented designer. I AM articulate, well-read, computer savvy, and adaptable. I bring so many things to a job beyond just what I do.

But, I'm not giving up!

I'm certain that a smart manager or HR person will see beyond my resume. They will realize that I can help them in ways far beyond what they read on that page.

And that person will find me.

So, I'll just keep plugging along.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Fun Stuff

Hey, everybody!

Hope all had a great weekend.

First, I want to say thanks to all who came out and attended the first Virginia Beach Bar Crawl. It was a blast and we raised $8500 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. So, a great success for a first time event. Keep a lookout for the next one. I'll post a reminder here when we're close.

Second, it was a BEAUTIFUL weekend! I hope everyone got out, got sunburned, and had fun. Contrary to today's weather, summer IS coming.

And third, I planted my garden Sunday.
Tomatoes, peppers, and jalapenos. Fresh pico de gallo is close at hand. WOO HOO!

So, Good Monday to all and remember, the weekend is almost here!

Image courtesy:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Hi, readers.

How's tricks?

Just a quick post. I've had two job interviews in two days and it's been great. Very different companies with respect to size of operation and job requirements but both look like fantastic places. Cool environments with challenging work. Lets hope for the best.

I hope this means things are starting to break loose around here.

To my fellow travelers on this road toward to employment, I wish you well.

Good luck to all.

But let me get hired first!

Monday, April 13, 2009

What Are Ya Missing?

Hey, there.

I had a recent revelation about our area.

My wife took a friend to the Chrysler Museum the other day and though the friend had lived and grown up in this area, she had never been to the Chrysler. I was amazed. Here we have a world- class museum in our neighborhood, and a local had never been.

It made me wonder how many other great sites here in Hampton Roads are ignored or missed by the residents.

We have a fantastic zoo (growing and expanding constantly), a botanical gardens with plants and flowers to rival any other city. We have a top notch minor league baseball team, a growing soccer league with a fantastic facility in Va Beach. A multitude of concert halls, open air venues, and stages throughout the area that have music, dance, and great performances.

So, I'm going to try and do my best to introduce you to your home town. I'm going to visit these gems and see if I can help you realize how lucky you are to live here.

Help me out. If you find a spot that you like, let me know.
Take a friend.
Go yourself.

Find your city!

Photo courtesy:

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Create It and They Will Come

Hi, everybody.

Happy Easter!

Back in March, I wrote an article about how the travel industry was critical of the Obama Administrations comments about the use of public funds by big corporations for reward travel. In a nutshell, my argument was that the industry needed to focus on creating new markets for their business and stop trying to blame someone for their decline in activity. The economy is in a downturn all around and the travel industry needs to accept this and find new sources of revenue.

Now, according to, Vegas has taken a proactive approach and begun to do just that. They are promoting Las Vegas as a spring break travel destination for older college students, with beer-pong contests and shot girls by the pool. They reduced room rates and are trying to promote an affordable vacation destination for the spring-breakers.

I'm so proud.

Finally, someone or some organization, realized that you can generate revenue by expanding your market instead of firing people and reducing services. Too often, corporations take the fast and easy route of cutting instead of growing. The returns show up sooner for the investors but don't always work out well in the long run for everyone else.

It's time for corporate America to embrace the idea of building business and developing markets, instead of looking only at the bottom line and how fast they can make a buck. True, innovative, and creative solutions exist even in a slow market.

It just takes an innovator to find them.

You know, like the people who created America.

Photo courtesy:

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hanging with my PEEPS.


Well, it's that time of year again. The time when creatures of indescribable horror creep out into the light of day and terrify the populous.

Yes, it's.......EASTER!

And here come....THE PEEPS!

You know, those sugary, florescent colored things that appear at stores across America during this week.

Now, I've got a sweet tooth the size of Jupiter. I love almost everything that has sugar as a primary ingredient. And don't get me started on CHOCOLATE! (Ummmm...CHOCOLATE!)

But these things, these PEEPS. I just don't know.

They don't taste good. They have a horrible texture. And they can never be destroyed. They last forever! If you bought PEEPS today, they would still be exactly the same when Charlton Heston comes back to Earth after the apes have taken over.


Maybe they should have been the thing sticking up out of the sand at the end of Planet of the Apes.

Would have been scarier than the Statue of Liberty.

Photo courtesy:

Peep contest design by:
Peeposaurus (Submitted by Ryan Scher, San Francisco)

Peeposaurus and his tree, made of hundreds of Peeps.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Ok, I lied.

In my last post, I wrote that I was going to take this blog back to it's original idea. Posts covering My Roads, the places I go and see.

I'm still gonna try but sometimes things come up that I have to comment on.

According to, Sweden is trying to tax online strippers in their country. It's legal but most of the strippers due it for extra cash and do not register as a business, costing the Swedish government approximately 3.3 million Euros in tax revenue.

Since there is no way to find and track these independent business people, tax collectors are required to go online and watch the shows in an effort to identify the participants.

Now, I'm looking for work so I would like to volunteer my services to the Swedish tax authorities.

I will be happy to peruse these sites and look for identifying characteristics.

I'm sure it will be tough and grueling work, staring for hours at semi-naked women in an attempt to find out their identities.

But I'll give it a try.

Call me.

Photo courtesy:

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Hi, readers.

Been away for a few days trying to figure out what this blog is. I've tried to make it funny and informative and not get too preachy.

I hope I've done OK but I know my opinions don't count.

But it is my blog, so phttt!

Now that the weather is getting nicer, I going out on the road and try to remind my readers of why this blog is called My Roads.

I was heading down Shore Drive and stopped at Lake Whitehurst boat ramp near Little Creek Amphibious Base. It's located at the end of Norfolk International's main runway so it's a great place to stop and watch planes land and takeoff. The lake also has fishing piers and the afore-mentioned boat ramp for those wishing to explore or go out to fish.. The lake is fairly large and goes all the way back to Botanical Gardens so it's a great trip. There are picnic tables and a grassy area to relax and soak up some sun. It's a great spot for a lunch break or just to get away from work.

Take time to go and visit. It's well worth it.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Weather or Not?

Hey, friends.
Happy Monday!

Well, it's another crazy weather day here in Tidewater. I tease and make fun of the weather folks on TV like everyone else but weekends like we just had and Mondays like today remind me of how tough a job they have.

They cover the weather for an ever increasing area and are expected to make accurate predictions for longer and longer time frames. But with our screwy environment, having the bay on one side and mountains on the other, predictions for just Tidewater are incredibly hard. Add in coastal North Carolina, parts of Eastern and Central Carolina, the area up toward Richmond and out to the Eastern shore and you can see how many different influences there are on the weather.

Computer modeling helps, but we all know how reliable computers can be. (Who hasn't crashed in the middle of an important document or presentation).

Ultimately, the weather analysis relies upon the well-trained eye of the weather person. They try hard to give accurate reports, keeping the folks who listen as informed as they can.

But, hey, yesterday was in the 60's and sunny and today we've got possible tornadoes.

When it flips like that, who could get it completely right?

At least they try.

And thanks to them for that.

Photo courtesy:

Friday, April 3, 2009


Hey, everybody.

Just a short post today.

I just got back from a lunch with some buddies of mine from the old airline days. We told tales, remembered lies, and in general, had a great time. I always enjoy these visits.

And it got me thinking.

I'm truly fortunate to have a good group of friends that I've acquired over the years. Some are work buddies. Some are friends from school (some even from elementary school). Some are old Army pals. And many are friends I've come to know through my wife.

And I just want to say how grateful I am that they have chosen to allow me into their lives and taken me as a friend. Too often we wait and time passes without our telling them how much they mean to us and how there are missed when absent.

So, to my friends,


I love you guys.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

E.T Phone Home-Just Don't Go to the Police!

Hey, folks!

Once again, the old adage of "No good deed goes unpunished" is proven true.

According to, a young man was arrested for turning in a cell phone he found on the street.

The college student was out celebrating his 18th birthday and found a cell phone on the sidewalk. He contacted the last caller on the phone and told them he would turn the phone in to the local police station. Upon arrival at the station, he was arrested and charged with, now get this, theft by finding! He was fingerprinted, a DNA sample was taken, and he was interrogated about the phone.

Charges were subsequently dropped.

Really makes you want to do the right thing, doesn't it?

And I'm sure this had NO impact on this boys view of the police!

Good message to the public, officers.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Falling Sky

Hey, neighbors.

The latest news here in Tidewater is the late night boom and lights of fallen space debris. Plenty of speculation, no real answer.

Here's my theory......

Monday, March 30, 2009

Hey, everybody.

I've got something new to promote.

In a previous post, I talked about the Ghent Bar Tour. This "mobile party" allows folks to get together for a great cause and have a blast in the process. The last party, held on February 28, raised over $20,000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater Tidewater. Great job by all the participants and volunteers!

Well, it's time for a new one!

The Spring Crawl will be held at the oceanfront on April 18.

This will be the FIRST time for this event at the Beach.

Please take the time to go to the website (see poster), check out the event, and come out and join us.

It's a great time for a great cause.

And a great excuse to have fun!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Waterside OK Corral.

Hi, folks.

I'm a little lost and confused today. The recent shooting at the Waterside garage has me perplexed.

A man died, another was severely wounded over a fender-bender accident in the garage. Two cars hit, just some paint is scraped, but the first response is to whip out your weapon and face down the other driver?

I don't understand.

I'm not against guns. I was trained in the use of multiple weapons while in the service. I love to shoot and I think hunting is a great hobby. I have no qualms about gun ownership.

But what happened to RESPONSIBLE gun ownership? You know, the proper time and place to use a weapon.If your life is in danger, or if you have NO other option, I can see using deadly force. There are times when you have no choice.

But this was bullshit! There wasn't any reason to pull out the guns and start firing. It was just a damn car, people!

Now, three people's lives are damaged. One will never be repaired, one will carry wounds forever to remind him of that night, and the third will have to live with his actions.

Who won?

Photo courtesy:

Friday, March 27, 2009

Call 911. I've Got a Beer Emergency!

Hey, everybody.

Well, here we go again.

According to, a Tampa Bay woman called 911 three times because her friend was trying to take away her beer.

I think I've said this before but....OMG!

Now my readers will know that this is about the third instance of 911 abuse I've written about. And if you've followed these stories, you will notice they all happened in FLORIDA.

What in the hell is going on in Florida?

Is it the heat?

The water?

Probably the Cuban coffee.

Too much caffeine.

Drawing courtesy:

Thursday, March 26, 2009

To Protect and Serve


Police have a extremely tough job.

They are expected to maintain the safety and security of the populous and do no harm to anyone in the process. Most times, that works. Traffic violations are handled with no issues, arrests are made with minimal distress. But sometimes, situations go haywire and force is required to fix the problem. Sometimes, it's deadly force. And always, there is a great hue and cry from the people that something else should have been done.

The police should have "talked" to the suspect more. "He only had a knife, why did they shoot him/her?" "He was just a kid" ( a 16yr old, 200lb kid).

Use pepper spray. Use your Tazer. No, don't use pepper spray, don't use your Tazer.

Damn, people, what do you want?

An article on shows how difficult stopping a suspect can be.
A 35yr old man beat his girlfriend, breaking her nose and leaving her with a concussion. At a later traffic stop the suspect, who was naked, attacked the officer who stopped him. In the ensuing struggle, the suspect struck the officer with his fists, took the policeman's radio and beat him with it. In defense the officer used pepper spray to no effect. He drew his weapon and shot the suspect in the shoulder, still no effect. He drew his Tazer, tazed the suspect, STILL no effect. The suspect continued his attack. Another officer arrived, tazed the suspect again. No effect. A third officer arrived, again tazed the suspect, who finally gave in to the effects of three Tazers and was arrested.

Now I know there will be readers who say that this is an anomaly. This isn't the norm. And you're right. Most suspects don't require the amount of force used in this instance to realize it's time to give up.

But my point is each time an officer stops someone, each time they respond to a call, they have no idea what to expect. It could be the cat in the tree or a deranged person who refuses to stop fighting.

Stop second-guessing.

The police put their ass on the line for you.

Get the facts, then decide.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hey, folks!

I had a doctors appointment yesterday. Nothing big, just a check. I arrived at 3, as requested by the office, to fill out paperwork. My appointment was for 3:30 and they wanted to insure we had all our ducks in order and fees paid.

I finally get in to see the doctor at 5:30.


I asked the nurse, why the delay?
Overbooked was the reply.

Again, WTF?

I know doctors are a busy group.
The population is aging and aches and pains are growing. More people need to see the doctor.

But what happend to customer service? What happened to caring for the patient? Have we just become cash cows to support the doctors need for a new car or house.

If there had been an emergency, delay would be understandable. Stuff happens.

But to overbook appointments, to try and pack people in to optimize revenue, is BS. My time is as valuable to me as yours is to you.

Show me some respect.

Don't forget, you need me too.

Image courtesy:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

D-truth. At Least Today.

Morning, everybody!

How's tricks?

An article in the Chicago Sun Times recently reported that Americans are suffering from low vitamin D in their systems brought on by a lack of exposure to the sun. People are staying inside more and using high SPF sun blocks when they go outside. Low levels of vitamin D can cause bone loss, heart disease, and infection.

Now, I understand the rational for avoiding the sun. Skin cancer fears and all. But this strikes me as another example of too much is too much.

Eggs are bad!
No, not really. You can have a few.

Meat is bad!
No, not really. Just don't eat it at every meal.

People have forgotten the concept of everything in moderation. Every scientific finding is treated as gospel and doctors and pseudo-scientists jump on the bandwagon and preach it as the truth. And the general public, overwhelmed by all the new and changing information, goes along with the latest thing.

I think it's time for us to say stop, slow down and relax. Take things with a grain of salt. Read, think, and decide is the cost worth the loss.

And remember, it'll all change tomorrow.

Photo courtesy:
(Richard A. Chapman/Sun-Times file)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

What's with Facebook?

Hey, everybody.

What the hell is wrong with Facebook!

Who decided that the new layout was a good idea? Where was the Beta testing? Was anybody asked about the new design or was this a random change for the hell of it?

I know.
I'm old.
I don't accept change well.

I'm not adaptable.


I am more than willing to adapt to new design and change if it benefits the user. I am a firm believer in using new layouts to enhance the user's experience. I am, after all, a graphic designer.

But I have not heard a positive comment about this new design from anyone. Not my friends, not the media, no one, no how.

Why the change?

Is it for marketing? Enhanced revenue production? Reaction to competition?

What ever happened to the old adage "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"?

Stop change for changes sake. It's not necessary. People liked the comfort and usability of the old Facebook. It WORKED.

Don't panic because you have competition. Leaders always prosper, followers die off.

Sometimes a step back can be a step forward.

Don't remove us from your friends list.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Google, Save me from Myself!

Hi, guys and gals.


Ok, here's my thought.

I have multiple e-mail accounts. I have one that I use for business related activities, one for general communication, one for personal talk, and I even have a leftover account from college. They seem to proliferate as time goes by.

And they are constantly evolving and changing. They all want to be your primary account so they add new features all the time. I can hardly keep up.

But Google has a new one for mobile and home that I think is amazing.

It's called Mail Goggles.
It's an application to help keep people from texting or e-mailing someone while drunk. It works by requiring the user to complete some simple math problems before sending. It's set up to work mostly on weekends and the user can set the hours of operation.

These guys at Google are geniuses!

This could save the dignity of more men than any other service in history.

And God knows, we need all the help we can get.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

You're gonna put that where?

Hey, folks.

This ones for the early adopters and technological fiends out there.

According to, a Finnish man replaced his lost finger with a prosthetic with a USB installed. The man, a computer programmer, lost the finger in a motorcycle accident and his surgeon jestingly suggested the idea.

Gotta be careful what you suggest.

It's probably a good thing it was his finger he lost.

The other options kinda scare me.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Good morning, gals and pals!

And we're off.

According to, a Charlotte, NC family discovered that they owned, not only a loyal pet, but a combination bank and ATM.

Kelly Davis's family had been working hard to scrimp and save during these tough economic times. Using coupons and other tools, Kelly had managed to save $400 and was about to deposit the money when it turned up missing. She realized that she had placed the cash on a table and Augie, her greater Swiss mountain dog, had eaten it.

Checking with the vet, Kelly was told that the money wouldn't hurt Augie but that it was probably a loss.

During the next days walk, however, Augie showed his versatility. His first stool showed a couple of bills, some $20's and a couple of pieces of $100's. Grabbing a colander, Kelly went washing.

By Monday the family has recovered about $160 in pieces and parts.

On Tuesday, Augie delivered a $20.

Just like my ATM.

Except this bank has teeth.

Photo courtesy:
Charlotte News Observer

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Erin Go Bragh

Happy Saint Patrick's Day.

Hope everyone is wearing green and not getting pinched.

For many, St. Patrick's Day is a time to celebrate the Irish culture. Or at least our perception of Irish culture. We drink green beer, eat corned beef and cabbage, and wear green shamrocks.

But the day is more than just a big party. It's also a religious holiday, held to show reverence toward the man who brought the Catholic religion to Ireland.

According to lore, St Patrick was a young British boy who was brought to Ireland as a slave. While in Ireland, he found God and prayed for his freedom and safe return home.

At age 20, he was freed and returned to England where he took to the study of his new found faith. He became a bishop and returned to Ireland in 433 to preach the gospel and spread his faith to the people. He began the construction of many churches and converted many thousands to Catholicism.

It's often said that St. Patrick drove all the snakes from Ireland, a metaphor for the introduction of Catholicism to replace the pagan rites and rituals that were prevalent at that time. Today St. Patrick is one of the worlds most popular saints and is respected both inside and outside of his religion.

So as you drink your Guinness and have your Scotch eggs, take a moment to raise your glass to the Saint of Ireland and say Sláinte ( Slaw-in-tche) and Go raibh maith agat (Guh-roh-moh-uhg'-uht ).

That's Gaelic for good health and thanks.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Beauty and Flight.

Hey, folks.

It's another rainy day and to top it off; It's MONDAY!

So enjoy the art.

And fly like the penguins in the rain.

Drawing by:
Heather R. Schumacher

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Morning, everybody.

Two articles caught my eye this morning.

According to Fox media will remove all extras from it's rental videos. Only trailers will be on videos that are shipped to the rental stores (Blockbuster,Netflicks). Videos with extra features will only be for sale.
Then, according to Warner Music is forcing the removal of any video from You Tube that contains music from it's artists. Two of the latest casualties are videos in which babies lip sync to old Foreigner and Prince tunes.

Now I understand the need to optimize profits and protect artists rights. The entertainment industry has been hit hard lately. DVD and CD sales are down and with the proliferation of file-sharing software, downloading media is very easy and widespread.

But is this the proper course for the industry to take? Is it a smart idea to punish your customer?

It's apparent that the suits that run the industry do not understand that prohibition does not work. People want what you tell them they can't have and they WILL get it. They have the technological power now.Punish the people who buy and use your product and they will go elsewhere.

The entertainment industry needs to adapt new technology for it's own use. They need to embrace the idea of fair-use( not for profit or gain) of their music, such as the You Tube videos.
They should offer more extras on DVD's; rental or sale. If you like a particular movie chances are, after rental, you will buy your own copy. Especially if you have kids. Extras increase your audience.

You can expand your market by offering more products and services to your customers. Use the new technology, embrace it. Restricting or limiting what's available only forces consumers away.

The industry has got to stop "biting the hand that feeds it" or it will starve itself to death.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Get me to the Court on Time!

Gooood Morning, everybody!

How's tricks?

According to a Cincinnati, OH man was arrested for stealing a car.

Not too unusual you say? Perhaps.

Except he stole the car in order to get to his court arraignment on burglary charges.

Here is man with deep respect for the courts. He wanted to be sure he didn't keep the judge waiting.

What a guy!

Now if we could only fix his little "what's yours is mine" issue.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Luck O' the Irish!

Hi, folks.

It's another rainy, dreary day here in the big city.
Ain't we got fun!

But it is a full weekend; tonight's the Greening of Ghent and tomorrow's the annual Norfolk Saint Paddy's Day parade. So, don't let the weather get ya down.
Get out, get wet, and have some fun!

But, PLEASE, do not drink green beer.

It's made from squished up leprechauns.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's Electric!

Hey, everybody
It's hump day!

Now, we've all heard of service companies sending outrageous bills to customers. You know, the super high phone bill and such. But I think this one is wild.

According to an Aurora,CO restaurant owner received a bill from her power company for $1.28 million dollars. She didn't pay a lot of attention to the bill, incorrectly reading the amount as $1280. And since she had automatic bill pay with her bank, she assumed the bill(the $1280) would be paid.
When she checked later to see if her rent check had cleared, she was informed by her bank that she was $1 million dollars in the hole. It seem that the bank had paid the electric bill of $1.28 million dollars.

Now when this was brought to the attention of the proper officials, the power company corrected it's mistake, fixed the bill, and paid all incidental fees incurred by the restaurant owner.

Here's what I find fascinating.

The bank covered the overdraft!

I mean, I have a fairly good relationship with my bank. And I have some overdraft protection.
But I think they might draw the line at covering a million dollar check.

I'm pretty sure that sucker would have bounced like a super ball.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Damn Dirty Apes!

Hey, guys.

Recognize the title quote? It's from The Planet of the Apes, a scifi flick that some consider a classic (though some consider it crap). I use it because we seem to be becoming a planet of apes.

AP reports that Connecticut officials are cracking down on the New Haven owner of a siamang, a type of gibbon native to Malaysia and Indonesia . The owner apparently failed to acquire the proper permits for an exotic animal and was keeping him as a family pet/child, dressing him in diapers and taking him around town.

I'm sorry.
Did I not get the memo?
You know, the one about how apes, monkeys, and chimps are now the best pets to own?
What is wrong with these people!

These are WILD animals!
They EAT meat.
You ARE meat!

They don't know the difference. Sure they may be sweet sometimes, even cute, but they are wild animals. They don't mix well with other species. You can't treat them like kids or babies or even human. They're not wired that way.

Ask Charla Nash. She's the lady that was brutally attacked by another Connecticut ape (chimpanzee, actually) in February. I'm fairly sure her opinion about the intelligence of owning a primate as your pet/child has been changed.

By the way, what is it about Connecticut and wild animals? (Not good pr for your state).

Wild animals are beautiful, impressive beasts. They deserve to live their lives in their natural environments, with minimal impact from humans.

They don't need to be adopted by us.

They've got enough problems on their own.

Photo courtesy:

Monday, March 9, 2009


Morning, folks.
Happy Monday and welcome to Daylight Savings Time!
I must say I enjoy the sun setting later in the evening but I hate getting up in the dark.

Now to my rant.

I titled this page patience.
I think it's a vanishing commodity.

I guess we've gotten used to instant gratification. Our world has been so productive and our businesses have grown so much that we forget there is always an opportunity cost.

Now, we're paying the piper.

I'm unemployed so I feel the downturn. I know this is going to hurt; not just me but scores of others. It's gonna get harder.

But we didn't get here overnight.
We're finding that the causes of this financial screw up started years ago. Limited regulation and unrestricted greed allowed individuals and corporations to run rampant. The fox WAS guarding the hen house.
And when stuff gets this screwed up, it takes time to fix it.

So, let's stop clock watching.
Everyday we check the the paper or the tv or the internet, looking for THE SIGN that's going to indicate the return of prosperity to the world.

It's not gonna happen that way!

It' gonna take time, people. We have to accept that or we'll drive ourselves crazy with worry.

Stop watching the DOW everyday. You knew (or should have know) that your stock investments, whether 401K, Roth, or other format were LONG TERM INVESTMENTS! The stock market has always been erratic.
Stop listening to the politicians. Each party had a hand in creating this crap so don't let them tell you it was the other guys fault and they don't know what's going on. Doomsaying is NOT helping fix things and it just creates more doubt.

Realize that we've been here before, and we survived.
We're a pretty resilient society.

We bounce well.

It just takes patience.

Image courtesy:

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dem Bones, Dem Bones!

Hey Everybody!

Here's news you can use:

According to a glass of wine or a bottle or two of beer a day may be good for your bones. A study at Tufts University in Boston found that moderate alcohol intake was associated with greater bone density.

Finally, science I can get behind.

So, readers, get out there this weekend and build them bones!


Photo courtesy;

Friday, March 6, 2009

One More Chuckle and It's off to Jail with You, Buddy!

Hey, friends!

Happy Friday!

It's going to be a great weekend here in Norfolk; sunny, temps in the 60's and 70's. So get out and enjoy.

Don't be like the British police.

According to; a man in Britain was stopped by police for laughing in his car while driving. He was detained and question by the officer, who told him "Laughing while driving a car can be an offense".

Don't let it happen here!

Fight back, people!

Put in your George Carlin CD and drive on!
Laugh at Mike and Mike or Tommy and Rumble!
Giggle at Wait,Wait, Don't Tell Me!

Show them driving in this crazy city, laughing, is the only thing that keeps us normal.

Well, kinda normal anyway.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Out of Touch

Hey, people.

An article at says that the travel industry has begun to create attack ads against President Obama and Congress for their criticism of companies that use bailout funds for reward travel for their employees.

Are these people insane?

They argue that the pressure from Washington has had unexpected consequences. Companies that are not receiving government funds are canceling trips, worried about public perception. So, the travel industry is suffering.

Well, welcome to the real world.


I have no animosity toward the people in the travel industry. I know that, unfortunately, some will lose their jobs in a market downturn. I am sympathetic to them.

But I also know that the American people are not going to subsidize extravagant behavior by companies that cannot afford to travel but are willing to do so on the taxpayer's dime.

If other companies choose to reduce travel due to public perception, so be it. Looking at their books, you would probably find they really can't afford the trips either. Most companies , right now, are suffering from a lack a free or disposable funds.

So the reduction helps everybody's bottom line.

It would appear to me that a smarter path for the travel industry to take would be to find better ways to promote local travel spots to satisfy the "needs" of their clients.
Show some creativity!

Quit whining.

We are all in this together and the sooner people realize that short-term sacrifice will pay off for everyone in the long run, the quicker we can move toward recovery.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Flying Fists Flayling at Our Fuzzy Friends!

Hey, everybody!

I know we've discussed this before but let me reiterate; times, they are tough. Peoples nerves are frayed and on edge and tempers flair.

But, come on!

Two stories got my attention today:

According to, McGruff the crime dog was beat down by a Metro bus driver in Fredericksburg, VA on Tuesday.
Then according to, a New Bedford, Mass. man beat up Chuck E. Cheese and tore his head off.


McGruff and Chuck E. Cheese?

As Vizzini might say; Inconceivable!