Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Where is America's Memory?

Hey, guys.

When did the American population lose it's memory?

It must be a massive case of Alzheimer's.

No one seems to remember that our present situation was caused by the acts of the previous administration and the Republican congress. It wasn't Obama who stuck us in a intractable combat situation in the Middle East. It wasn't the newly elected Democratic majority Congress that allowed businesses to run rampant and uncontrolled and create the present fiscal crisis.

And yet, the present administration seem to be the whipping boy for all these ills. I'm confused.

Oh, yes, NOW I remember.

It's the fear mongers in the media and in the right wing groups who are screaming this idea. Blame Obama, blame the Democrats, blame the Mexicans, blame anybody you don't like or agree with. Don't debate, scream. Don't discuss, argue. Don't listen, threaten.

Everyday I read new statements from supposedly rational members of Congress and the media warning of impending doom.

Apparently, we're going to hell in a hand-basket!

Come on, people, THINK! Use your brain for something other than keeping your ears from hitting each other!

Get back to rational discourse and discussion about what ails this great nation of ours. We have some serious issues to deal with and screaming at people and creating fear and hate won't solve them.

Oh, yea. I forgot.

We don't remember HOW to talk to each other.

Damn Alzheimer's!

Image courtesy:

Monday, September 28, 2009

Come On America, Grow a Set!

Hey, my friends.

When did America become the land of the scared? It seems to be the trend among our citizens lately. People are running out to buy guns and ammo, stocking up on survival gear, and in general, acting as though the world is about to collapse.


Everyone is afraid. The elderly are afraid that they won't be taken care of, the young are afraid that they will be broke forever, and the middle age group is afraid of everything.

Come on, people!



We've been kickin' ass and takin' names for over 200 years.

Listen, I know times are tough. I've been without full time work for about a year.
But it's not over! Suck it up and deal with it!

Adapt and overcome.
Adjust, regroup, saddle up, and move forward.

Think for yourself, don't listen to the media and the politicians. They don't have any solutions to the real ills of our country (or they are too concerned about their own jobs to offer the ones that we need), so they prey upon your fear. It's much easier to scare people than to fix what ails us.

Don't be sheep.
Americans have always been the problem solvers, the innovators, the leaders. We've been the one others look to for guidance and direction. As America goes, so goes the world.

Remember that.

Don't give in to the fear!

Grow a set!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Seniors Shot in Strip Club.

Hey there.

Got your attention, didn't I?

According to, a strip club in Castleberry, FL is offering seniors free flu shots and a buffet.

Rachael's Gentleman's Club offers seniors and others free flu shots. The offer includes a free buffet for the seniors, veterans, residents, and city employees who get their shots at the club. Rachael's has been offering this service for 6 years and the people of Castleberry seem to love it. Club management says it wants to give back to it's community, especially with the rising cost of health care.

Shots are administered by a registered nurse in the clubs VIP room.

Maybe we should add this option to the President's health plan.

Anyone up for a shot?

Image courtesy:

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Do You Write Right?

Hey, folks.

How's tricks?

An Associated Press article posted on 19 September, says that cursive writing is becoming a lost art and poses the question...... does it matter?

I'm not a very good cursive writer. I've spent so much time printing documents and filling in forms with print, that pretty much any skill I had in script is gone.

I try on occasion to rebuild my skills. I'll see some beautiful script in a letter or article and it will make me crave the ability to write like the author. So, I'll dig up some paper and make a feeble attempt to recreate what I've seen only to have my hopes dashed when I see how crappy I do.

I know...... practice, practice. The skills will come back and improve.

But I don't.

And it's a shame.

Because I'm a designer.

I use typography every day. I relish finding the right type style to fit my design. I love it when a type helps express the idea of my work. I think that's a common theme among my brethren, one of the things that separates us from the masses. We look at ALL the parts of a design in order to get our idea across, not just the pretty pictures.

So I propose a challenge to my fellow designers. Let's not let cursive script die. I know, we don't need it now that everything is done electronically. The computer offers us a world of type options.

But cursive writing is an art.

And those of us who live by the art of design, need to insure that this art survives.

Image courtesy:

Friday, September 18, 2009

OK, I'm Ready!

Hey, readers.

Look, I've been an extraordinarily patient person with this job stuff. I've been very dutiful in pursuing all leads, checking options, and trying to offer myself and my talents to anyone at a reasonable cost.

I've got a fairly good skill set. I am adaptable to any and all situations and am capable of working with pretty much anybody.

I don't need an exorbitant salary (though I will take one if offered). And I make killer brownies and cupcakes!

So what's the deal?

Is the market so saturated with "supremely qualified people" that there are no openings for a person trying to get into the field? Or are employers just to lazy or afraid to take a chance on an unknown entity?

I've been in this search for a while. I've interviewed with a few companies and I've pursued options outside my field. No success.

So to you,dear readers, I ask...what to do?

If you know of anyone who could help or if you have an idea to make my search progress, please let me know. Send me your ideas in the comments section of this blog.

I'm a good guy who can do a great job given a chance.

Try me.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

And It Won't Die!

Hey, guys.


According to Variety Magazine, Sylvester Stallone is coming back for a FIFTH RAMBO MOVIE!

I am truly amazed.

The story line revolves around Rambo fighting drug cartels and human traffickers to save a little girl in Mexico. I guess he's getting a little long in the tooth for too much travel so they're keeping him close to home. (No more trips to Asia or the Middle East. Can't deal with that jet lag issue anymore...pacemaker can't keep up.)

You know that trip across the border will be tough on his power chair.

And I don't think the Scooter Store warranty covers the addition of anti-tank weapons.

Production starts in the spring.
Photo courtesy: