I have a confession:
My name is Dave and I'm a coffee addict.
It happened slowly enough.
A casual sip of a friends; a cup on a road trip.
I didn't think it was a problem. It's not like I was stopping at 7-11 everyday.
Then we went to Florida. (cue dramatic music!!!)
We were house sitting for a friend. Really nice place with a pool out back and a palm tree garden. Paradise.
I didn't know they were coffee pushers!
The people that owned the house had an automatic coffee maker. You know, one with a built in timer.
It was so easy.
Fill with water, measure the coffee, and in the morning that tantalizing aroma filled the house.
Easy. Get up, pour a cup and wander the garden.
So easy.
How bad could it be?
We were there seven days. Seven Days!
That's all it took.
First purchase when we got home was a timer for my coffee pot.
Make coffee every morning.
12 cup pot makes 3 cups for me!
HaHaHaHa( hysterical laughter.) (work with me here,ok?)
Then that little shop of horrors from Seattle came to town. You know the one. Where drinking coffee is a social activity.
I was doomed.
So, I've come to confess my addiction. I'm not proud of it but I thought I should tell.
Kind of helps to explain some of my rambling posts, doesn't it?
Photo courtesy:
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