Good morning, peeps!
Whoo Hoo!!!!
First, of course, the important stuff: Today is World Nude Day.
Started in Australia but rapidly spreading around the globe, World Nude Day celebrates the right to get neked and do silly stuff in public. (see www.worldnudeday.com for further details)
So have at it.
Now onward and upward.
My friends and family ask me why I write this blog and is it hard to do.
I'm trying to keep the general tone lighthearted and bring out stories that are fun and unusual. But in these times, humor is often missing in the world news. I look at a load of sources and try to cull something that makes me smile and that I think the reader will enjoy. Sometimes I get on my soapbox and rant but I'm trying to keep that to a minimum.
So bare (double entendre reference to world nude day) with me as I stumble and fumble my way through this.
By the way, I'm writing this fresh out of the shower, neked!
If that doesn't make you laugh, you obviously haven't met me.
Photo courtesy of animalswearingpants.com
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