Hi, readers.
Recent news stories have me wondering if people know how to forgive mistakes anymore. We've got the A-Rod issue with steroids and the Michael Phelps marijuana debate and no one seems willing to forgive these people for making an error in judgment. I mean, really, we've all done dumb things whether from peer pressure or stupidity. I don't think there are too many saints out there. So why is it so hard to forgive these people?
Both Phelps and Rodriguez have admitted they screwed up, have accepted responsibility, and show remorse. Both have tried to explain the circumstances as best they can. But they continue to be vilified in the media and punished by the organizations they represent.
Does the punishment fit the crime or have we become such a vengeful society that no amount of contrition is enough?
When do we forgive?
Photos courtesy: Huffingtonpost, radaronline
Of course, neither came clean and apologized until they were caught. With that said, both have - for the most part - conducted themselves in the public eye over a long period of time with a lot of class. Everyone makes mistakes. What's really odd is that if Rodriguez had come clean during the Senate investigation two summers ago, he'd been labeled a hero. After all, he did steroids when they were not illegal according to MLB rules. If he'd fessed up when MLB and its players were on the hot seat, he'd be seen as one of the good guys working for the betterment of the game. As it is now, he's like a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Also, in his interview on ESPN, he was really avoiding the tough questions - where did he get the steroids and when/why did he stop.