Hey, readers.
I've begun to notice a disturbing trend on my Facebook page lately. My friends, who are relatively new to the concept of social media, have fallen into the idea that they must post daily or at least every other day.
And since most of us lead humdrum lives and have no exciting things to post, they play the apps.
Now I'm not above sending a flair or two. I've even helped save the rainforest ( by sending e-plants?) and worked on the virtual farm.
But lets give it a rest now, ok?
I want to know what's going on with you and your family, not how much virtual farm you have or how many fish are in your virtual fish tank.
I guess some of my friends really enjoy the games idea. It is an easy way to stay on Facebook and keep your name out there.
But I remember your name.
You ARE my friend.
I don't usually forget you.
I friended you because I really like you and want to know what's going on in your life ( not everything,mind you,toilet trips are TMI).
So, ease up on the apps.
I'll still remember ya.
Image courtesy;
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