Monday, September 28, 2009

Come On America, Grow a Set!

Hey, my friends.

When did America become the land of the scared? It seems to be the trend among our citizens lately. People are running out to buy guns and ammo, stocking up on survival gear, and in general, acting as though the world is about to collapse.


Everyone is afraid. The elderly are afraid that they won't be taken care of, the young are afraid that they will be broke forever, and the middle age group is afraid of everything.

Come on, people!



We've been kickin' ass and takin' names for over 200 years.

Listen, I know times are tough. I've been without full time work for about a year.
But it's not over! Suck it up and deal with it!

Adapt and overcome.
Adjust, regroup, saddle up, and move forward.

Think for yourself, don't listen to the media and the politicians. They don't have any solutions to the real ills of our country (or they are too concerned about their own jobs to offer the ones that we need), so they prey upon your fear. It's much easier to scare people than to fix what ails us.

Don't be sheep.
Americans have always been the problem solvers, the innovators, the leaders. We've been the one others look to for guidance and direction. As America goes, so goes the world.

Remember that.

Don't give in to the fear!

Grow a set!

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