OMG...It lives!
Been away for a while, so now I've got to re-learn how this blog thingy works.
Hope everyone is OK.
As in my last post, the household has been keeping me busy. Beck's is doing great. She finished at- home P.T. and is now at the Norfolk Wellness and Fitness Center/InMotion Physical Therapy. They have her on a bike to increase her range of motion and doing mat exercises to increase her strength. She has a serious love/hate thing going on with the folks there. She knows that this has to be done but she sure ain't enjoying it! But I think she is looking forward to the pool therapy.
I am SO proud of her. She's done a fantastic job of working the knee and doing her exercises and you can see the results in her walk and the way she moves. She has been a trooper.
The MOM is still at Lake Taylor. They moved her to the rehab side due to a roommate issue and she is doing better. Not a happy camper but this is the best for her.
I don't think she will be going back to her apartment. Her upper body strength is poor and we haven't found out yet if her new repaired leg will support her weight. She has a dr's appointment on 30 July and, hopefully we will find out more then. But we've been trying to set the stage for the future so that her life can move on.
I have friends in the same boat so I guess it's a common issue at this age. (Well, THAT made me feel old!) As they say once the child, now the parent. Life goes full circle.
I want to say thanks to all the friends and family who have come out and helped us with this, both in moral support and other ways. Your visits and calls have helped more than I could ever tell you.
A special thanks to Bill Newell for the Corona Light. Dude, that was JUST what the Dr. ordered!
So that's the latest. I'll work on consistency and try to be better at posting.
It is cathartic and I can definitely use the therapy. (As my friends will tell you.)
Thanks to all for listening!
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