Happy Friday!
Awhile back I wrote about how we, the people and the government, need to adopt or adapt new clean power generation ideas into our lives. I suggested that government buildings and lands could use available technology to help reduce our need on foreign oil for the production of electrical power. Wind farms, solar farms, etc.
An article in Metropolis Magazine shows a concept that follows this idea. A French design team has come up with prototype wind turbines that fit into existing electrical power towers. These turbines could produce sufficient energy to power between 1 and 20 homes, depending on wind speed.
This is the innovative thinking I was talking about. Utilizing existing sources (the towers) and adapting them to produce electricity. Minimal impact on the environment but with significant return to the populous.
Great idea!

Now, lets put it to work.
Photo Courtesy:
Metropolis Magazine
Those Frenchies sont tres intelligentes. Must be that great food.