Morning, folks.
Happy Monday and welcome to Daylight Savings Time!
I must say I enjoy the sun setting later in the evening but I hate getting up in the dark.
Now to my rant.
I titled this page patience.
I think it's a vanishing commodity.
I guess we've gotten used to instant gratification. Our world has been so productive and our businesses have grown so much that we forget there is always an opportunity cost.
Now, we're paying the piper.
I'm unemployed so I feel the downturn. I know this is going to hurt; not just me but scores of others. It's gonna get harder.
But we didn't get here overnight.
We're finding that the causes of this financial screw up started years ago. Limited regulation and unrestricted greed allowed individuals and corporations to run rampant. The fox WAS guarding the hen house.
And when stuff gets this screwed up, it takes time to fix it.
So, let's stop clock watching.
Everyday we check the the paper or the tv or the internet, looking for THE SIGN that's going to indicate the return of prosperity to the world.
It's not gonna happen that way!
It' gonna take time, people. We have to accept that or we'll drive ourselves crazy with worry.
Stop watching the DOW everyday. You knew (or should have know) that your stock investments, whether 401K, Roth, or other format were LONG TERM INVESTMENTS! The stock market has always been erratic.
Stop listening to the politicians. Each party had a hand in creating this crap so don't let them tell you it was the other guys fault and they don't know what's going on. Doomsaying is NOT helping fix things and it just creates more doubt.
Realize that we've been here before, and we survived.
We're a pretty resilient society.
We bounce well.
It just takes patience.
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