Tuesday, January 7, 2025


 Nothing quite brings home your age like the loss of an old friend. I didn't have many who were around from the beginning, just two who had been a part of my life since first or second grade. I lost the first a few years back and then the other a few days ago. I'm a bit devastated.

Friends who shared your life are always few. Yes, we make friends throughout our time here on earth ( if we're lucky). But old friends, people who watched you grow, who shared that growth with you are rare. And the true curse of growing older, is that we begin to lose those friends.

I'm ashamed to say that I failed them as a friend. I didn't keep in touch. I didn't make the effort to call, to visit, to reach out to them as I should have. I guess in some hidden part of my brain, I thought they would never die. That there would always be time to see them again. I was wrong.

I hope it's not to late to make amends for my stupidity. I'm going to do my best to talk to those that I love more often, To visit when I can. To let them all know what they mean to me. To not count on that beast we call " social media" to act on my behalf. To truly reach out and connect. I need to grow before someone else has the same regrets about me. The loss hurts to deep.