Happy Friday!
Courtesy, respect, tolerance...

There was a time when your right to your personal view was respected by others. Folks may not agree with you but they understood that you were allowed to express your viewpoint freely and unencumbered. This concept was so highly valued that the founders of our country included it in the Constitution (the First Amendment). It is an idea that separates us from a majority of countries and allows us to be critical of a thought or concept while still respecting the rights of others to express their views as well. It's part of what makes America a great country.
But now, there is NO tolerance for opposing ideas, No civil discourse on politics,family, religion, personal freedom. Now it's "my way or the highway"; if you don't agree with my viewpoint, get the hell out, believe what I say or I'll beat you. Muslim...get out! Gun lover...evil person! Christian...surrender your right to chose your belief! Non-christian...you're wrong and you're going to hell!
This CANNOT continue! If we keep going the way we're headed, we will destroy ourselves from within, tear our country apart, lose that which makes us a great and admirable nation.
We can't change peoples minds or hearts with threats or violence.
It's time for the people of America to step back, take a breath and and realize that ALL views are important, even the ones you don't agree with. That every person has the right to say what they believe and live how they choose. Return to a time of tolerance and respect.
We've gotta change!
Photo courtesy:izquotes.com