We got a new bird feeder.
Doesn't seem like a big deal, does it? But in this crazy household of ours, it signifies a return to normal (well, our kind of normal anyway).
We've always fed the birds; kept feeders and birdbaths in our yard. But with all the crap that's been going on, we kinda let that slip away. We misplaced the things that were fun in our life. Let them get run over by the day to day stuff that we all deal with.
I'll admit, we had a few extra issues (Mom passing, car wrecks, car explosions) but that's not the point.
I think my point is, it didn't take much to help heal a lot of troubles. We had lost things and people in our life and started to forget what was good. We were crying in our beer and the salt of our tears made the beer flat and tasteless.
The feeder reminds us of that old life. It brought back memories of a life that we were beginning to think had vanished altogether. This silly plastic and pot metal feeder reminded us that life goes in cycles; up, down, and even sideways on occasion. But it always comes back to normal.
The feeder didn't cost much but we got so much more.
Comfort and hope.
Not a bad deal.