Hi, everybody.
Happy Easter!
Back in March, I wrote an article about how the travel industry was critical of the Obama Administrations comments about the use of public funds by big corporations for reward travel. In a nutshell, my argument was that the industry needed to focus on creating new markets for their business and stop trying to blame someone for their decline in activity. The economy is in a downturn all around and the travel industry needs to accept this and find new sources of revenue.
Now, according to
UPI.com, Vegas has taken a proactive approach and begun to do just that. They are promoting Las Vegas as a spring break travel destination for older college students, with beer-pong contests and shot girls by the pool. They reduced room rates and are trying to promote an affordable vacation destination for the spring-breakers.
I'm so proud.
Finally, someone or some organization, realized that you can generate revenue by
expanding your market instead of firing people and reducing services. Too often, corporations take the fast and easy route of cutting instead of growing. The returns show up sooner for the investors but don't always work out well in the long run for everyone else.
It's time for corporate America to embrace the idea of building business and developing markets, instead of looking only at the bottom line and how fast they can make a buck. True, innovative, and creative solutions exist even in a slow market.
It just takes an innovator to find them.
You know, like the people who created America.
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